Showing 85–96 of 203 results

Type of Honey


Maskros is a high-quality honey that stands out for its unparalleled purity, delightful flavor, and remarkable health benefits.

Mel Aialma

We are a family that lives in a very little village in the North of Spain (Galiza). The zone where we live is very depressed and depopulated. But, in the other hand, our hives are surronded of wild forest and old chestnut trees. Nature takes part of our lives. We produces chestnut honey with a very special flavour that remerbers wood and wild flowers. The name of our brand (Aialma) means “soul” in old galician language. There are several ancient legends that talk about human souls that comes from the moon in form of bee and enter inside human bodies, when the person dies that soul returns (in form of bee) to the moon. Furthermore we add a mask in our honey container. This mask is a very old and tradicional mask (peliqueiro´s mask) of our village (Laza), where we have one of the most ancient carnival in the world. We hope you can taste and enjoy our honey as we do. For us, is a pleasure can show it to the rest of the world.

Mel Do Saldoiro

MEL DO SALDOIRO es una empresa familiar, que de manera artesanal lleva mas de 80 años produciendo miel ,combinando la tradición con la pasion por las abejas y cuidando siempre la calidad de nuestros productos. Nuestra empresa está ubicada en el interior de Galicia (ESPAÑA).

Mel Os Catro Ventos

After many years in the city, I embarked on my journey back to what would be my true home, my grandparents’ house, Alemparte, a small village in the center of Galicia. There, among the mountains and the buzzing of the bees, life put in my path what is now a project with the name “Mel Os Catro Ventos” (Honey of the Four Winds). A honey that sells out every season and is a dream come true for me. Additionally, I work closely with other beekeepers and experts in a large project aimed at the recovery and preservation of the Galician black bee.

Meli Ena

Small family company produces high quality “MELI ENA” honey!

Meli Honey – Pure Pine Honey

Meli Honey offers a selection of exceptional honey that originates from a unique and diverse landscape. Our team meticulously chooses and presents premium honey, ensuring that you savour the delightful flavours in every jar we offer. We collaborate closely with skilled beekeepers who harvest honey from a variety of blossoms found in captivating landscapes. This approach enables us to capture the distinct tastes and fragrances, providing you with what we like to call “Greece in a Jar”


Starting around 1950, Andreas Lambrou and his wife Angeliki, who were mainly engaged in farming, acquired their first beehives in baskets from the elderly grandfather George, father of Andreas Lambrou. Step by step and with a lot of efforts they began to learn and get into the spirit of beekeeping. At first they produced honey only for the family needs. Then, Andreas started to work actively and intensively with beekeeping. The little knowledge that his father had and a couple of books that were around at the time were the only skills he had. However the determination to succeed was huge. In 2009, after the death of the elderly Andreas, the younger son Panagiotis took over. Thus, with his wife Eleni he started a dynamic beginning with a lot of work and with passion. After a few years they decided from amateurs to become professional honey producers to share the wonderful taste and nutritional value of honey with all the world. Their aim is to sweeten the world and to share generously all the benefits of honey and other pure products (pollen, royal jelly and the fragrant mountain herbs). The will to learn was great so we attended all the seminars and conferences that were held on the bee and its products. At the same time, our beekeeping unit was growing, and so today we maintain more than 200 productive beehives, which we transfer all over Greece. We take advantage of the rich variety of plants and trees that the Greek land offers and depending on the season we transport our beehives in order to collect different varieties of honey, with authentic flavors, variety of colors and aromas, rich in ingredients and excellent quality. Following the traditional beekeeping methods for the production of honey and other products and knowing very well their nutritional value, we make sure that they are available as nature has made them and as the bees collect them in this unique way. The excellent quality of all the products we produce is due to our many years of experience in the field of beekeeping. This is the reason why our products stand out and they are trusted by our consumers, winning new customers every day and keeping the old ones.

Melissides Fir – Pearl Honey

Melissides Honey is a high-quality honey which stands out for its unparalleled purity, delightful flavor, and remarkable health benefits.

Melissokomia Chimona Cyprus Honey

We produce and sell honey in cyprus. We have our own production and packaging premises and sell through supermarkets and direct to retail customers.

Melissotis Pine Honey

Melissotis Pine Honey is a high-quality honey that stands out for its unparalleled purity, delightful flavor, and remarkable health benefits.

Melisyros Heather

“Melisyros” honey is a product of limited production and excellent quality!

Mgo 2100+ World ‘s Rarest Manuka Honey

Biosota Organics creates the rarest and highest MGO-rated, certified organic Manuka honey produced in the world today.