Apicelta Miel De Flores Clara Suave
Somos la segunda generación de apicultores en Vigo(Pontevedra), sur de Galicia(España). Nuestro amor por las abejas hace de nuestro trabajo un hobby, el cual nos hace felices cada dia. Trabajar con la naturaleza es un privilegio que pocas personas pueden valorar. De ese amor entre nosotros y la naturaleza conseguimos un liquido dorado llamado miel, una transformación del néctar de las flores en un alimento para el ser humano, como si de un proceso alquímico se tratara, de lo oscuro de la tierra a lo dorado de la miel. Ese es nuestro trabajo.
Doce Bágoa
Our honey is a natural and fresh product, which is produced in an artisanal way. The care and attention that is put into its production allows it to preserve its genuine properties. Coming from the slopes of the Viñao River (Boboràs) and the mountains that are at a height of about 500 meters, border between two provinces (Pontevedra-Ourense), encountering a mid-mountain microclimate and diverse flora of Mediterranean and Atlantic influence.
Mel Aialma
We are a family that lives in a very little village in the North of Spain (Galiza). The zone where we live is very depressed and depopulated. But, in the other hand, our hives are surronded of wild forest and old chestnut trees. Nature takes part of our lives. We produces chestnut honey with a very special flavour that remerbers wood and wild flowers. The name of our brand (Aialma) means "soul" in old galician language. There are several ancient legends that talk about human souls that comes from the moon in form of bee and enter inside human bodies, when the person dies that soul returns (in form of bee) to the moon. Furthermore we add a mask in our honey container. This mask is a very old and tradicional mask (peliqueiro´s mask) of our village (Laza), where we have one of the most ancient carnival in the world. We hope you can taste and enjoy our honey as we do. For us, is a pleasure can show it to the rest of the world.