Showing 13–22 of 22 results

Type of Honey

Mel Os Catro Ventos

After many years in the city, I embarked on my journey back to what would be my true home, my grandparents' house, Alemparte, a small village in the center of Galicia. There, among the mountains and the buzzing of the bees, life put in my path what is now a project with the name "Mel Os Catro Ventos" (Honey of the Four Winds). A honey that sells out every season and is a dream come true for me. Additionally, I work closely with other beekeepers and experts in a large project aimed at the recovery and preservation of the Galician black bee.


Miel is a high-quality honey that stands out for its unparalleled purity, delightful flavor, and remarkable health benefits.

Miel De Azahar

Apiberia is a brand known for offering a wide variety of high-quality honeys. Their honeys are typically 100% natural, harvested from various wildflowers and rural areas in Spain. They provide monofloral honeys, such as orange blossom honey or rosemary honey, as well as multifloral honeys, which combine nectar from several flowers. Apiberia honey is characterized by its unique flavor and its beneficial properties for health. Additionally, the brand is committed to sustainable and environmentally-friendly practices in the production of their honeys.

Miel De Azahar-Limon

Our products are made by hand. Our raw honey stands out, made with artisanal processes in a natural way. From the hive to the jar.

Miel De Romero

Our products are made by hand. Our raw honey stands out, made with artisanal processes in a natural way. From the hive to the jar.

Miel El Camino Milflores

Experience the authentic flavor of Miel el Camino with our award-winning honey. We produce sustainably in Palencia. Extracted from our honeycombs.

Miel El Ramayal

Empresa familiar dedicada a la producción de mieles y productos de la colmena de alta calidad en la comarca de El Bierzo y los montes de León. Nuestras instalaciones se encuentran asentadas en uno de los municipios más idílicos de la comarca berciana, Molinaseca. La apuesta es ofrecer un producto tradicional, que reúna las características de las mieles de antes y para ello mantenemos los procesos tecnológicos que se aplicaron siempre. Extracción en frío, ausencia de filtrados y una maduración larga. El resultado es una gama de mieles crudas de alta calidad que mantienen todas las propiedades de la miel tal y como la hacían nuestros abuelos. Tradición y pasión se unenn para ofrecer la esencia de un paisaje en forma de miel. Productos que ofrecemos: Miel de Roble, Miel de Brezo, Miel de Castaño, Miel de Flores, Miel de bosque y montaña, Mieles crema, Propóleos y ceras y material vivo (Núcleos y Abejas Reinas)

Miel Los Caballeros

Miel Los Caballeros is a high-quality honey that stands out for its unparalleled purity, delightful flavor, and remarkable health benefits.

O Mel De Brea

At O Mel De Brea company, quality is at the heart of everything we do. We pride ourselves on offering pure, raw, and unprocessed honey, ensuring it retains all its natural benefits.

Rey Melícola

Empresa familiar dedicada a la recolección de alimentos producidas por las abejas y producción de carne selecta de wagyu. Estamos en un zona libre de agricultura, de alta montaña, a mas de 1100 metros. Ayudando a preservar las tradiciones de la zona, y no modificando en ecosistema existente en la zona.